
I am Elsa Lam, a certified EMCC coach.

In the career world, work-life balance is an art and we know how to be a good colleague for other people, we are trained to help others and offer advice. We are conscious of achieving, getting jobs done and helping others. I totally understand. I’ve been a pharmacist in the NHS, a place caring many daily.

After having a baby during the pandemic; work-life balance became even more important to me. I believe, we, women, can thrive, strive and shine without the cost of burning out. But how?

My work begins by blending science, improvement culture and coaching together; so you can connect with your potentials, passions and practical live.

No matter you are in paid employment or unpaid work, like being a full time parent; finding fulfillment matters to all of us every single day.

Life is too short to sit around. If you feel you are plodding along and you are not happy with it, do something about it today.

To find out about working with me yourself or to supporting members of your team, book a free coaching session now.